Susan Boekmann

 Susan Boeckmann, Grant  Susan Boeckmann, India
 Susan Boeckmann, Grant
 Susan Boeckmann, Sea Large  Susan Boeckmann, Venus

Artist Statement

Susan's PDF Mentor Statement
Susan's PDF Resume

As a multidisciplinary artist I am driven by the "act" or process of creating. Primarily a figurative visual artist, my work from life is executed with a history of dance in my physical memory. Once the model has struck the pose, I have an autonomic empathetic response in my own body, due to a long history with creative movement. Thus, when working in a figurative studio setting, the interactive process of working from life takes on a life, rhythm and timing of its own.

When creating at this "optimal pace", the dialogue between what you have done and what you are about to is rapid and logical. The activity is akin to that of truly listening to oneself play an instrument, while simultaneously holding the precise desired sound in the mind's ear; in essence, matching the creative intent to the outcome. It is at the height of this dialogue between intent and the actual process of creating that the artist's product is conceived. Being open to the rhythm of the process allows for intuitive amendments, potentially leading to novel and interesting avenues, as well as to significant artistic growth.

Expressivity is obtained through diverse means, within various disciplines: the use of phrasing is crucial in music, and the fluidity of movement or intentional lack thereof determines the overall tenor of the dance. As for the visual arts, it is the honesty with which the artist is able to capture his/her impressions of or emotions regarding the subject matter which holds weight.

My work centers on human inequities, and their effects on human health and well-being. My earlier exhibits used self-contained drawings, monotypes, paintings, sculptures and installations to visually narrate my observations of the feminine experience in Patriarchal society. My more recent work mixes multiple media and art disciplines into interdisciplinary presentations which examine issues of health, disease, the ethics of research and the role of the patient in his/her own well-being.

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