Cheryl Walsh Bellville

Cheryl Walsh Bellville, Heron Rookery Cheryl Walsh Bellville, Salome Store
Cheryl Walsh Bellville, Heron Rookery
Cheryl Walsh Bellville, Studz Bay Card Cheryl Walsh Bellville, White Trailer

Artist Statement

Cheryl's PDF Mentor Statement
Cheryl's PDF Resume

I've been a photographer for 35+ years now, always grateful for the plastic nature of the medium I chose as an art student at the University of Minnesota.

I raised my children free-lancing in every conceivable commercial application of the field. I taught, judged competitions, applied for grants, shot weddings and horse shows, annual reports, ads, and magazine articles. I took advantage of social occasions to make business contacts, and sat through a couple of endless weekends at art fairs. I mentored emerging artists coming into photography as young people and as middle-aged women who postponed the arts while they supported themselves in unrelated work. I've exhibited in fine-arts arenas and authored non-fiction books for children illustrated with my photography.

Throughout there was always an underlying agenda; peace and justice, sustainable agriculture, related ecological and political issues- issues too huge to confront head-on. I think I usually used the back door by presenting volatile issues, hopefully, in an inoffensive way.

Publishers Weekly picked up on this in a review of my first children's book, Roundup, when they said that the text was "..a tacit argument for the preservation of the unspoiled parts of the American West." It was a happy surprise to be acknowledged for the sub context in this way.

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